Tracs: transparency-control for see-through displays

David Lindlbauer, Jens Emil Grønbæk, Morten Birk, Kim Halskov, Marc Alexa, Jörg Müller.
Published at UIST 2014
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We present Tracs, a dual-sided see-through display system with controllable transparency. Traditional displays are a constant visual and communication barrier, hindering fast and efficient collaboration of spatially close or facing co-workers. Transparent displays could potentially remove these barriers, but introduce new issues of personal privacy, screen content privacy and visual interference. We therefore propose a solution with controllable transparency to overcome these problems. Tracs consists of two see-through displays, with a transparency-control layer, a backlight layer and a polarization adjustment layer in-between. The transparency-control layer is built as a grid of individually addressable transparency-controlled patches, allowing users to control the transparency overall or just locally. Additionally, the locally switchable backlight layer improves the contrast of LCD screen content. Tracs allows users to switch between personal and collaborative work fast and easily and gives them full control of transparent regions on their display.



 author = {Lindlbauer, David and Aoki, Toru and Walter, Robert and Uema, Yuji and H"{o}chtl, Anita and Haller, Michael and Inami, Masahiko and M"{u}ller, J"{o}rg}, 
 title = {Tracs: Transparency-Control for See-through Displays}, 
 year = {2014}, 
 isbn = {9781450330695}, 
 publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, 
 address = {New York, NY, USA}, 
 url = {}, 
 doi = {10.1145/2642918.2647350}, 
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology}, 
 pages = {657–661}, 
 numpages = {5}, 
 keywords = {transparency-controlled display, transparent display}, 
 location = {Honolulu, Hawaii, USA}, 
 series = {UIST '14} 